rufie c: Buddha jumps over the wall
rufie c: steamed pomfret FTW
rufie c: vege lunch
rufie c: dinner spread
rufie c: BEST soup ♥ ♥ ♥
rufie c: homemade yu sang
rufie c: faux-balone
rufie c: fatty poached chicken
rufie c: two chickens
rufie c: pouring on the liquid gold
rufie c: phoenix claws
rufie c: the spread
rufie c: topped with rice crispies
rufie c: untossed
rufie c: oysters and mushrooms
rufie c: must have leeks
rufie c: lo hei
rufie c: tossed
rufie c: ugly but yummy
rufie c: store bought yee sang
rufie c: pie tee taste test
rufie c: butter prawns!!!
rufie c: pretty carrots