rufie c: Comot strut
rufie c: 82130002
rufie c: i like planes
rufie c: on the Aerotrain
rufie c: country landscape multiplied
rufie c: chives
rufie c: looks like pegaga
rufie c: sunny glare
rufie c: garden flowers
rufie c: static red in motion
rufie c: window flowers
rufie c: street ping pong
rufie c: railway works
rufie c: remnants of lunch
rufie c: rooftop break
rufie c: view from Shoreditch rooftop
rufie c: very round tree
rufie c: sunny snoozey
rufie c: stray hand
rufie c: 4 smiles, 1 person
rufie c: Guildford
rufie c: lo-fi vs. hi-fi, take 2
rufie c: chasing balloons
rufie c: at the top of Guildford Castle
rufie c: caged
rufie c: chasing red balloons
rufie c: walking roundabouts the castle gardens
rufie c: Ruth appearing
rufie c: i'm too short