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Canterbury 2008 by rufie c
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rufie c
sun flare
rufie c
hello stranger
rufie c
pretty building pt.1
rufie c
pretty building pt.2
rufie c
Canterbury street scene
rufie c
flowers for sale
rufie c
French tourists
rufie c
The Classical Longplayer
rufie c
towards the cathedral
rufie c
masked man
rufie c
medieval musicians
rufie c
gate to the cathedral
rufie c
gate carving details
rufie c
12 13 Sun Street
rufie c
Starbucks in the middle ages
rufie c
Canterbury Cathedral
rufie c
Nativity scene
rufie c
like papyrus reeds
rufie c
not yet bored of gothic
rufie c
super high ceiling!
rufie c
soaring columns and vaults
rufie c
Canterbury Cathedral interior
rufie c
light cast on gothic column
rufie c
Canterbury Cathedral interior
rufie c
ornate pulpit
rufie c
camoflage speakers
rufie c
speech rehearsal
rufie c
nice lectern
rufie c
dusty crumbling flag
rufie c
view from the choir
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