rufie c: fish & chips
rufie c: bleak
rufie c: grey Ireland
rufie c: HUGE cans
rufie c: lease papers
rufie c: in the barley falls
rufie c: factory-ness
rufie c: old Guinness bottles
rufie c: watery light
rufie c: clouds and steam
rufie c: but they're really saying "Choose Guinness"
rufie c: call Fredrik
rufie c: evil Guinness
rufie c: worth the wait
rufie c: frothing
rufie c: frothing
rufie c: perfect
rufie c: Dublin-scape
rufie c: creamy head
rufie c: lovely day for a Guinness
rufie c: me with Guinness moustache
rufie c: Guinnessland
rufie c: full of goodness
rufie c: alley for pigeons
rufie c: pigeon crowd
rufie c: i'm beautiful underneath
rufie c: derelict-ness
rufie c: BRITAIN MUST ACT NOW too late
rufie c: monster face
rufie c: angel sprays