rufie c: on the 21C
rufie c: green neon
rufie c: Harrod's
rufie c: Bank
rufie c:
rufie c: grey commuting
rufie c: STOP
rufie c: tall and grey
rufie c: i hope London Bridge doesn't fall down
rufie c: entering Southwark
rufie c: minor injuries enter here
rufie c: capoeira on a bus
rufie c: less able trio
rufie c: red dot
rufie c: on Tower Bridge
rufie c: crossing Tower Bridge
rufie c: red crane
rufie c: crane and scaffolding
rufie c: the teensy lane the bus i'm in is trying to get to
rufie c: bus lane is stuck
rufie c: wow, it moved!
rufie c: busses trying to squeeze into the roundabout
rufie c: curl
rufie c: barricade