rufie c: very frothy teh tarik
rufie c: shining light
rufie c: dark waters
rufie c: surprise birthday cake
rufie c: yellow ixora
rufie c: what flower is this?
rufie c: lily red streaks
rufie c: lily buds
rufie c: Melissa
rufie c: sea of green (money)
rufie c: misty mountains
rufie c: some wild pretty thing i forgot the name of
rufie c: pretty blue ferns
rufie c: up we go...
rufie c: where's Gunung Tahan?
rufie c: a wild species of ruth found
rufie c: ant traffic
rufie c: Selangor jersey
rufie c: after the canopy walk
rufie c: long boats on Sungai Pahang
rufie c: boats tied up
rufie c: me on a boat = happy
rufie c: smile and serious faces
rufie c: Gua Telinga
rufie c: such vivid greens
rufie c: strong roots
rufie c: little insect bats
rufie c: some of us, and some bats
rufie c: entering the next chamber
rufie c: Ee Ling clearing an opening