rufie c: EZE airport
rufie c: our first meal
rufie c: ooky reflections
rufie c: horse on zebra crossing
rufie c: uniforms
rufie c: the narrow long winding road up to Cerro San Cristobal
rufie c: catch the pigeon
rufie c: peeking under flowers
rufie c: funerary mask
rufie c: Peruvian pelican
rufie c: weaves and seeds
rufie c: the Candlebra
rufie c: birds birds birds everywhere!
rufie c: Humboldt penguins
rufie c: me at the Pacific Coast, Paracas Reserve
rufie c: i was nearly addicted to these...
rufie c: trying to sandboard :S
rufie c: covered in sand
rufie c: desert oasis
rufie c: airsick...
rufie c: me at the mirador
rufie c: amazing aquaduct!
rufie c: perrito
rufie c: preserved ancient corn
rufie c: estofado de pollo
rufie c: little yellow taxis
rufie c: Arequipa
rufie c: new and old
rufie c: a diamond in the sky
rufie c: pigeon and fountain