rufie c: yellow/blue windows
rufie c: cracks by mosaic
rufie c: broad slice of blue
rufie c: glimpse of myself
rufie c: fancy tiles and a blank wall
rufie c: bamboo over blue
rufie c: looking toward the entrance of a wing
rufie c: the main courtyard
rufie c: entering the main courtyard
rufie c: goldleaf
rufie c: Victorian ironwork in the main courtyard
rufie c: bygone era
rufie c: stained glass window
rufie c: red trishaw
rufie c: pretty lily
rufie c: part of the facade
rufie c: Hotel Malaysia in a distance
rufie c: 'chian nien' decorative details
rufie c: closed doors
rufie c: rickshaw with pretty tiles
rufie c: timber and goldleaf screen
rufie c: visi???
rufie c: creepy school
rufie c: stuck old long grand
rufie c: house on Love Lane
rufie c: faded fragments
rufie c: parents at St. Francis Xavier
rufie c: UMNO building pointing upward right at the end of the street
rufie c: blue lantern
rufie c: glazed porcelain drip edges