RBSA Gallery: Kirk Andrews, 'Nan's New Shades'
RBSA Gallery: Laura Ansty, 'Passive'
RBSA Gallery: Malcolm Barton, 'But I, I took the road less travelled'
RBSA Gallery: Steve Caldwell, 'Pauline'
RBSA Gallery: Cristina Celestini, 'Precious'
RBSA Gallery: Nicholas Chaundy, 'Portrait of Karen'
RBSA Gallery: Andre Coates, 'The Fop and the Fool'
RBSA Gallery: Varosha Cornford, 'Red Hat'
RBSA Gallery: Simon Davis, 'Feral'
RBSA Gallery: Simon Davis, 'Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet'
RBSA Gallery: Libby Dillon, 'Imagine'
RBSA Gallery: Nigel Dodds, 'On the Shore'
RBSA Gallery: Mark Fennell, 'Peter in the Garden'
RBSA Gallery: Mark Fennell, 'Roland Muldoon'
RBSA Gallery: Ruth Ferguson, 'Robin'
RBSA Gallery: Diane Firth, 'Sam'
RBSA Gallery: Brian Fletcher, 'Self Portrait 1'
RBSA Gallery: Brian Fletcher, 'Self Portrait 3'
RBSA Gallery: Lynne Fornieles, 'Ed'
RBSA Gallery: Mary Griffin, 'Clare takes a break'
RBSA Gallery: Xiaomei Griffiths, 'Teenager'
RBSA Gallery: Carl Grummett, 'Introverted'
RBSA Gallery: Paul Harber, 'Courtenay Swinburn'
RBSA Gallery: Paul Harber, 'Miss Zoe Tee in 1950's Dress'
RBSA Gallery: Karin Hessenberg, 'The Floral Sun Hat, Self Portrait'
RBSA Gallery: Glenn Ibbitson, 'Artist Interrupted, Rozanne Hawksley'
RBSA Gallery: Chris Jones, 'Lils'
RBSA Gallery: Julie Kay, 'ClearGaze'
RBSA Gallery: Julie Kay, 'Stargazers'
RBSA Gallery: Alex Kelly, 'Lizzie'