broc8: Leitz Wetzlar Colorplan 90/2.5
broc8: Leitz Wetzlar Colorplan 90/2.5
broc8: Colorplan 90/2.5 test.
broc8: Colorplan 90/2.5 center crop test.
broc8: 3457
broc8: 3447-b&w
broc8: Test pics with the Leitz Colorplan
broc8: Test pics with the Leitz Colorplan
broc8: Test pics with the Leitz Colorplan
broc8: Test pics with the Leitz Colorplan
broc8: Leitz Wetzlar Colorplan 90/2.5
broc8: Leitz Wetzlar Colorplan 90/2.5
broc8: Leitz Wetzlar Colorplan 90/2.5
broc8: Leitz Wetzlar Colorplan 90/2.5
broc8: Leitz Wetzlar Colorplan 90/2.5
broc8: Leitz90-2.5-3072a
broc8: A6 + Leits Weztlar Colorplan 2.5/90
broc8: A6 + Leits Weztlar Colorplan 2.5/90
broc8: Colorplan90-09318-
broc8: 5ii+KO120-5