rbrazile: FXT11001, Beach flora
rbrazile: FXT11005, Strolling around Barley Neck
rbrazile: FXT11007, Path sharing
rbrazile: IMG_1737, Living area
rbrazile: IMG_1738, Bay view
rbrazile: IMG_1739, Sunken living room
rbrazile: IMG_1740D, House view from the bay
rbrazile: IMG_1742D, Sunning
rbrazile: IMG_1744D, Poolside
rbrazile: IMG_1748D, Bedroom view
rbrazile: IMG_1749D, Stopping at the beach
rbrazile: IMG_1750D, Glenn, June 2023
rbrazile: IMG_1751D, Shoreline fog
rbrazile: IMG_1755D, Azteca bifteca
rbrazile: IMG_1757D, Tacos of the day: nopales
rbrazile: IMG_1759D, Post-prandial passeggiata
rbrazile: IMG_1763D, Drinks on the veranda
rbrazile: IMG_1766D, Grill duty
rbrazile: IMG_1767D, Departure morning sun and shadows
rbrazile: IMG_1768D, Time to go