rbrazile: IMG_3423, Cleaning up the filter frame
rbrazile: IMG_3424, Close enough
rbrazile: IMG_3425, Cutting half-laps
rbrazile: IMG_3427, Frame glue-up
rbrazile: IMG_3429, Outer box starting to take shape
rbrazile: IMG_3431, Both sides on
rbrazile: IMG_3432, Test-fitting
rbrazile: IMG_3433, Light trap ribs
rbrazile: IMG_3436, Installing the ribs
rbrazile: IMG_3449, Groovy lid
rbrazile: IMG_3467, Top frame taking shape
rbrazile: IMG_3468, Test-fitting the top frame
rbrazile: IMG_3471, Starting to look like a drying box
rbrazile: IMG_3472, Fan installed
rbrazile: IMG_3473, Oops, ran out of paint
rbrazile: IMG_3489, Top complete
rbrazile: IMG_3525, Quickie plate insert for drying box
rbrazile: IMG_3535, Finished prototype plate rack