rbrazile: D71_0060, Preparing for the run-by I
rbrazile: D71_0061, Preparing for the run-by II
rbrazile: D71_0062, Connecticut
rbrazile: D71_0064, Railfen
rbrazile: D71_0069, Photo line
rbrazile: D71_0079, Corridor
rbrazile: D71_0083, Observation car hallway
rbrazile: D71_0088, Glenn and John
rbrazile: D71_0089, Observation
rbrazile: D71_0093, Perusing
rbrazile: D71_0095, John, October 2015
rbrazile: D71_0102, Bridges
rbrazile: D71_0105, Harbor view
rbrazile: D71_0118, Harbor signals
rbrazile: D71_0123
rbrazile: D71_0126, Bridge over the Thames, sort of
rbrazile: D71_0130, Clouds over the academy
rbrazile: D71_0135, Coast Guard Academy
rbrazile: D71_0138, Work boats
rbrazile: D71_0145, Nautilus
rbrazile: D71_0146, Sub base visitors
rbrazile: D71_0148, Sail and flags
rbrazile: D71_0160, Sub scaffolding
rbrazile: D71_0163, California
rbrazile: D71_0165, Springfield
rbrazile: D71_0174, Dallas I
rbrazile: D71_0176, Dallas II
rbrazile: D71_0186, Approach
rbrazile: D71_0190, P&W Pano
rbrazile: D71_0192, Railfen in the scrub