rbrazile: Frank and Friends at the Taj
rbrazile: Ken examines the Taj up close
rbrazile: Fair day at a temple on the way to Agra
rbrazile: Street scene
rbrazile: The Taj Mahal
rbrazile: North gate, Taj Mahal
rbrazile: IMG_2171, Welcoming gift
rbrazile: IMG_2206, Traffic
rbrazile: IMG_2241, Evening stroll
rbrazile: IMG_2243, Quitting time
rbrazile: IMG_2250, Lane driving is sane driving
rbrazile: IMG_2223, A photo of nothing
rbrazile: IMG_2251, Street snacks
rbrazile: IMG_2254, Discover contemplation
rbrazile: IMG_2259
rbrazile: IMG_2262, Rules of the road
rbrazile: IMG_2263
rbrazile: IMG_2267, Afternoon cricket
rbrazile: SDIM0728-DP2, After the match