Ruth/Memphis: Gardens resident cat, Mimi
Ruth/Memphis: P2180232
Ruth/Memphis: not sure what it is but it smelled so good
Ruth/Memphis: P2180213
Ruth/Memphis: moon from the Gardens
Ruth/Memphis: interesting grass at the Gardens
Ruth/Memphis: Camellia
Ruth/Memphis: camellia
Ruth/Memphis: 3 of these guys were flying over my head but my lens wouldn't reach them
Ruth/Memphis: P2260510
Ruth/Memphis: snow drop edit
Ruth/Memphis: crocus edited
Ruth/Memphis: Bamboo at the Gardens
Ruth/Memphis: swan chasing goose
Ruth/Memphis: tulipss
Ruth/Memphis: tulips
Ruth/Memphis: tulip tree
Ruth/Memphis: red camelia
Ruth/Memphis: daffodil
Ruth/Memphis: camellia
Ruth/Memphis: camellia
Ruth/Memphis: bigg turtle
Ruth/Memphis: big turtle
Ruth/Memphis: got my eye on you
Ruth/Memphis: Mallord
Ruth/Memphis: petals everywhere
Ruth/Memphis: tulip tree
Ruth/Memphis: tulips