rbourque2: Nina in Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Coat of Arms found on the Pinta
rbourque2: Cannon on the Pinta
rbourque2: Fort Pitt Bridge, Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: View of Pittsburgh, PA from Mount Washington
rbourque2: View of Pittsburgh, PA from Mount Washington
rbourque2: Big Air Compressor
rbourque2: Clinton Furnace Sign
rbourque2: Pinta in Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Station Square and the Clinton Furnace
rbourque2: Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Quadrant found on the Pinta in Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Anchor of the Nina in Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Raych on the Nina and Pinta in Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Anchor of the Nina in Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Nina in Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Anchor on the Nina in Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Nina and Pinta in Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Pinta in Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Paddles of the 3 Rivers Queen
rbourque2: Pinta in Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: Pinta in Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA
rbourque2: 3 Rivers Queen
rbourque2: 3 Rivers Queen
rbourque2: 3 Rivers Queen
rbourque2: Rudder of the Pinta in Pittsburgh, PA