rbourque2: St. Augustine Lighthouse
rbourque2: St. Augustine Lighthouse
rbourque2: Fountain of Youth Archaeology Park
rbourque2: Fountain of Youth's Fountain
rbourque2: Fountain of Youth
rbourque2: Fountain of Youth
rbourque2: Fountain of Youth
rbourque2: Fountain of Youth
rbourque2: Fountain of Youth
rbourque2: Blue Peacock
rbourque2: Landmark Baptist Church
rbourque2: Landmark Baptist College
rbourque2: Dr. Mickey Carter
rbourque2: Raych and a very special fellow bus worker and friend, Hector
rbourque2: Raych and the Sawyer / Tabler Family
rbourque2: Raych's great, special and dear friend, Cassara
rbourque2: IMG_6691
rbourque2: IMG_6692
rbourque2: IMG_6833
rbourque2: IMG_6832
rbourque2: IMG_6830
rbourque2: IMG_6828
rbourque2: IMG_6826
rbourque2: IMG_6824
rbourque2: IMG_6820
rbourque2: IMG_6818
rbourque2: IMG_6816
rbourque2: IMG_6813
rbourque2: IMG_6809
rbourque2: IMG_6806