Richard Bougeard: Inside the bunker
Richard Bougeard: Inside the bunker
Richard Bougeard: Inside the bunker
Richard Bougeard: Entrance to the bunker
Richard Bougeard: MG34 machine gun
Richard Bougeard: Dove tailed air vent
Richard Bougeard: Steel gas sealed doors
Richard Bougeard: Painted ceiling with numbers
Richard Bougeard: Looking up to the turret
Richard Bougeard: Inside the bunker
Richard Bougeard: Inside the bunker
Richard Bougeard: Inside the bunker
Richard Bougeard: Inside the bunker
Richard Bougeard: Inside the bunker
Richard Bougeard: Inside the bunker
Richard Bougeard: Escape Shaft
Richard Bougeard: Inside the bunker
Richard Bougeard: Towards the entrance
Richard Bougeard: Overlooking the bunker
Richard Bougeard: Overlookib the turret
Richard Bougeard: Camouflaged turret
Richard Bougeard: Camouflaged turret
Richard Bougeard: Camouflaged turret