Ruud & Arianne NL: Tijgerspin (Argiope bruennichi)
Ruud & Arianne NL: Struiksprinkhaan - Leptophyes punctatissima
Ruud & Arianne NL: Steenrode Heidelibel - Sympetrum vulgatum
Ruud & Arianne NL: What do you WANT from me....
Ruud & Arianne NL: Blauwe waterjuffer / Bluetail damselfly
Ruud & Arianne NL: Schorpioenvlieg / Scorpion Fly
Ruud & Arianne NL: Groene waterjuffer / Green damselfly
Ruud & Arianne NL: The search for nectar....
Ruud & Arianne NL: Huisvlieg / House Fly
Ruud & Arianne NL: Good looking...
Ruud & Arianne NL: Huh....did you say someting?
Ruud & Arianne NL: Enjoy the club
Ruud & Arianne NL: First meal in the morning
Ruud & Arianne NL: Spang Beetle
Ruud & Arianne NL: I'm Bzzzzzy
Ruud & Arianne NL: Daddy-long-legs
Ruud & Arianne NL: Walking to the light...
Ruud & Arianne NL: Almost there....
Ruud & Arianne NL: Walking out of the picture...
Ruud & Arianne NL: Springspin - Jumping Spider