moorehead: Manjacaze Room
moorehead: Planning
moorehead: Gerhard and Mosais
moorehead: Manjacaze Woman
moorehead: Pastor Eduardo
moorehead: Sra. Valoriana
moorehead: Celestino and the Wetlands
moorehead: ADECOPA Women
moorehead: ADECOPA's Pineapples
moorehead: Food Aid
moorehead: Panda Hotel
moorehead: Panda Mother
moorehead: ADECOPA Member
moorehead: Roofing
moorehead: Manjacaze Planning 1
moorehead: Manjacaze Planning 2
moorehead: Francisco and the Well
moorehead: Panda Dinner
moorehead: Panda Woman
moorehead: Panda Youth
moorehead: Gerhard and Pastor Eduardo
moorehead: Panda Women
moorehead: Panda Family
moorehead: Mozaic Agriculture Training
moorehead: Panda Morning