ChiDN: Chicago Theater (doh!) Marquee
ChiDN: Canyon Light
ChiDN: Canyon Walls
ChiDN: Forever Field's to me
ChiDN: Fire Control
ChiDN: General Philip Henry Sheridan "Little Phil" #2
ChiDN: Hawthorne Place Miracle
ChiDN: Lobbying
ChiDN: What if you had a wedding & no one came?
ChiDN: ...Over Chicago
ChiDN: Joe's Rose
ChiDN: Lincoln Park Conservatory
ChiDN: Joe's Rose Vase
ChiDN: Some call it cable
ChiDN: Light of?
ChiDN: Blue/Green in Williamsport PA
ChiDN: Old Lyme Connecticut
ChiDN: Since 1922
ChiDN: Christmas Swim
ChiDN: Waiting for Spring
ChiDN: Segway's Agora
ChiDN: A Meeting
ChiDN: Framed by a Redbud
ChiDN: The bright life is the good life
ChiDN: Festa Italiana hasn't started yet
ChiDN: Washington Square Park aka Bughouse Square
ChiDN: Fidelity
ChiDN: Fidelity 2
ChiDN: Montrose - On the way to Dog Beach
ChiDN: Montrose - On the way from Dog Beach