Rod Bicknell: Andrés San Millán: Old Man
Rod Bicknell: Andrés San Millán: Old Man
Rod Bicknell: Andrés San Millán: Seated Woman
Rod Bicknell: The Invitation
Rod Bicknell: Approach to the Century House
Rod Bicknell: Andrés San Millán: Standing Women
Rod Bicknell: Andrés San Millán: Young Man
Rod Bicknell: Andrés San Millán: Young Man
Rod Bicknell: Andrés San Millán: Seated Woman
Rod Bicknell: Anne eats, Gayle preps
Rod Bicknell: Andrés San Millán: Standing Women
Rod Bicknell: Outside the Widow Jane Mine
Rod Bicknell: Chris Victor describing his work: Mother and Child
Rod Bicknell: Chris Vector: Mother and Child
Rod Bicknell: Laura Moriarty, the Curator, conducts a tour (Norm Magnusson)
Rod Bicknell: Laura Moriarty, the Curator, conducts a tour (Norm Magnusson)
Rod Bicknell: Norm Magnusson: Matt Lucash
Rod Bicknell: Norm Magnusson: Robert Oknos
Rod Bicknell: Laura Moriarty, the Curator, conducts a tour (Lorrie Fredette: in the air)
Rod Bicknell: Lorrie Fredette: in the air
Rod Bicknell: Wayne Montecalvo: Pond People
Rod Bicknell: Laura Moriarty, the Curator, conducts a tour (Wayne Montecalvo: Pond People)
Rod Bicknell: Wayne Montecalvo: Pond People
Rod Bicknell: Wayne Montecalvo: Pond People
Rod Bicknell: Laura Moriarty, the Curator, conducts a tour (Portia Munson: Fox Maze)
Rod Bicknell: Portia Munson: Fox Maze
Rod Bicknell: Portia Munson: Fox Maze
Rod Bicknell: Trek up the hill
Rod Bicknell: Michael Asbill: Installation