rbarenblat: Hawaiian shirt and palm
rbarenblat: With docent Alvin Frieden
rbarenblat: Mama and baby
rbarenblat: High-fiving an ape
rbarenblat: Family at the zoo
rbarenblat: Hippo
rbarenblat: Feeding Lories
rbarenblat: Feeding Lories
rbarenblat: Breakfast with Papa; Guenther House, Pioneer Flour Mill
rbarenblat: Drew and Elo
rbarenblat: Drew teaches Nonni uno
rbarenblat: Chatting about games
rbarenblat: Custom fortune cookie fortunes - courtesy of Nonni
rbarenblat: More "scaring" Papa
rbarenblat: "Scaring" Papa
rbarenblat: Family at Drew's Half-Birthday Dinner
rbarenblat: Halfbirthday cake
rbarenblat: Halfbirthday boy
rbarenblat: Blowing out the candles
rbarenblat: Happy boy at the LEGO store