rbarenblat: Our car, en route to the blog con
rbarenblat: Registration in the hotel lobby
rbarenblat: Welcome to the blog con!
rbarenblat: The conference center building
rbarenblat: Entering the building
rbarenblat: Thurman at the podium
rbarenblat: One table
rbarenblat: One end of the room
rbarenblat: irc on the big screen!
rbarenblat: Lots of laptops
rbarenblat: Lunch table
rbarenblat: Brainstorming
rbarenblat: Listening & blogging
rbarenblat: At the podium
rbarenblat: Another shot of the room
rbarenblat: The room
rbarenblat: A little laptop time
rbarenblat: Rev Bruce speaks
rbarenblat: Hand in the air
rbarenblat: Diner
rbarenblat: On the phone
rbarenblat: Roundtable