rbarenblat: "We Know Meat!"
rbarenblat: Conversation
rbarenblat: Emily as a blonde
rbarenblat: Flower girl
rbarenblat: Blonde Nate
rbarenblat: Sandy & Laurel
rbarenblat: Happy fangirls
rbarenblat: Schoolgirl Steve
rbarenblat: The Africa game
rbarenblat: Backrub man strikes again!
rbarenblat: "That's when I reach for my revolver..."
rbarenblat: Costumed Ethan, finely blurred
rbarenblat: Margaret + Betsy = adorable
rbarenblat: Looking leftwards
rbarenblat: I really like this hat.
rbarenblat: "Everyone has something to hide but me and my monkey"
rbarenblat: Beth wears her heart on her...shirt.
rbarenblat: Beth & Chris
rbarenblat: Ethan and Colin in the shop
rbarenblat: The centerpiece for the new ger roof
rbarenblat: Good houseguest gifts
rbarenblat: Sandy makes lentil stew
rbarenblat: Women at work
rbarenblat: The ger roof
rbarenblat: Roof closeup
rbarenblat: Ger circles
rbarenblat: Bones of the ger
rbarenblat: Colin affixes the critical duct tape
rbarenblat: Putting on the roof
rbarenblat: "Raise high the roof beams, carpenters"