rb06: Sunrise on the trail
rb06: Sunrise on the trail
rb06: Plenty of old mining equipment
rb06: Plenty of old mining equipment
rb06: Creek running from the old mine
rb06: Mt Sherman and the Hilltop Mine
rb06: Sunrise on the trail
rb06: Sunrise and the Hilltop Mine
rb06: Blue Moon and Mt Massive
rb06: Turquoise Lake and Leadville
rb06: Shadow selfie
rb06: Hardy plants
rb06: Wildflowers
rb06: Tiny spec of a person between Sherman on White Ridge
rb06: Hikes descending and Mt Elbert
rb06: A rare quiet, empty summit
rb06: Mt Elbert (right), Mt Massive, Turquoise Lake, Leadville
rb06: Hikers on the ridge of Mt Sherman
rb06: Bird on a snow bank
rb06: Hiking the White Ridge, South Park in the background
rb06: The highpoint of White Ridge (13,684')
rb06: Hiker headed back to Sherman on the White Ridge
rb06: A window of rock
rb06: My car! All the way by the orange spec
rb06: More hardy plants
rb06: Mt Sheridan and Mt Sherman
rb06: Peerless Mt and Mt Sheridan
rb06: Mountains upon mountains
rb06: Cool rock patterns
rb06: My "shortcut"