RSII Photography: MO Sept '10 - House
RSII Photography: SA Sept '10 - City Lights
RSII Photography: GS Sept '10 - My old car
RSII Photography: Glass City Sky Bridge
RSII Photography: NA Smith Ray - Flower - ECC Dec 2010
RSII Photography: SA Smith Ray - Christmas Lights - ECC Dec 2010
RSII Photography: GS Smith Ray - 1923 Cord - ECC Dec 2010
RSII Photography: Wait for me!
RSII Photography: Lee Plaza Piano
RSII Photography: Pumps of yesteryear
RSII Photography: CG Colored Engine
RSII Photography: GS Fischer Body 21 - Feb 2011
RSII Photography: SA Abstract - Feb 2011
RSII Photography: Would you like another one Ray?
RSII Photography: Electric Boat Orchestra
RSII Photography: I've been for a walk on a winter's day
RSII Photography: Music Man
RSII Photography: Factory Smoke
RSII Photography: CG Smith Ray - Rock Island
RSII Photography: GS Smith Ray - A Detroit View
RSII Photography: SA - Repeating Patterns - Detroit Firehouse
RSII Photography: GS Detroit Yacht Club
RSII Photography: Large & in charge
RSII Photography: You are the sunshine of my life
RSII Photography: Now I lay me down to sleep
RSII Photography: Bluewater Bridge
RSII Photography: McArthur Bridge