raypp2: Dave sands the plate for the projector mount
raypp2: Dave sands the plate for the projector mount
raypp2: The scars of home improvement
raypp2: Ahh...windows
raypp2: Chris's reaction
raypp2: Dave determines where the joists are for the projection screen
raypp2: Dave determines where the joists are for the projection screen
raypp2: Dave determines where the joists are for the projection screen
raypp2: Dave and Chris calculate how the screen will be mounted
raypp2: Dave and Chris calculate how the screen will be mounted
raypp2: Dave and Chris calculate how the screen will be mounted
raypp2: Bedroom projector
raypp2: Bedroom projector mounted
raypp2: Bedroom projector
raypp2: Bedroom projector
raypp2: Bedroom projector
raypp2: Codiut running power and component video
raypp2: Codiut running power and component video
raypp2: Mounting screw for projection screen in Ray's bedroom
raypp2: Mounting screw for projection screen in Ray's bedroom
raypp2: Projection screen closed
raypp2: Projection screen open
raypp2: Projection screen open
raypp2: Projection screen open
raypp2: Front Right speaker
raypp2: Rear right speaker
raypp2: Rear left speaker
raypp2: Projector and rear speakers
raypp2: Supporting the projection screen with steel cable
raypp2: Supporting the projection screen with steel cable