Ray in New Orleans: Post-storm ventilation
Ray in New Orleans: Tag on new ventilation units
Ray in New Orleans: SUNO Staircase
Ray in New Orleans: SUNO Library
Ray in New Orleans: SUNO Library
Ray in New Orleans: Symposium on Educational Leadership, July 21, 2005
Ray in New Orleans: "If only getting in was this easy!"
Ray in New Orleans: Classroom wreck. "Environmental Science" text
Ray in New Orleans: Classroom hallway
Ray in New Orleans: Faculty office
Ray in New Orleans: Supply room?
Ray in New Orleans: Faculty office
Ray in New Orleans: Balloons and surveillance
Ray in New Orleans: Lonely balloons from the earlier demonstration
Ray in New Orleans: Flooded hallway
Ray in New Orleans: Education Building Great Hall
Ray in New Orleans: Great Hall mural
Ray in New Orleans: Education Building Great Hall
Ray in New Orleans: SUNO Education building
Ray in New Orleans: 0 bodies found