heart_less_man: 灯火通明 bright as day
heart_less_man: 福神糖 vintage candies of blessing gods
heart_less_man: 开心啊 happy gal
heart_less_man: 雷门 raimen not ramen
heart_less_man: 天狗面具灵狐面具 teninu? mask
heart_less_man: 新春装饰 new year deco in streets
heart_less_man: 忙碌的制作糕点 good business busy business
heart_less_man: 鲤鱼烧进嘴前 golden fish pastry
heart_less_man: 绘有河童的方扇 fans with the frog man
heart_less_man: 可惜边街好多店不开 back asakusa street
heart_less_man: 传统纪念品质量都很高 high quality souveniers
heart_less_man: 幽蓝的夜幕 deep saphire night
heart_less_man: 浅草街附近 street entry
heart_less_man: 世代相传的拉面家 ramen family
heart_less_man: 此路不通(车) no automobiles
heart_less_man: 相当累人的活计 tough job of a tough guy
heart_less_man: 传统被完美地沿袭了 trandition well preserved
heart_less_man: 太阳在浅草寺后落下 sunset behind the temple
heart_less_man: 精致的灯笼 delicate handmade lantern
heart_less_man: 世上最大草鞋 world's biggest sandle
heart_less_man: 浅草寺正面 full frontal
heart_less_man: 看不厌的灯笼们 lanterns
heart_less_man: 人形烧师匠 master of ningiao yaki
heart_less_man: 一派新春气息 new year is around
heart_less_man: 熙熙攘攘的人潮 busy main street
heart_less_man: 细节也要完美 everything must look perfect
heart_less_man: 风中的绘柄
heart_less_man: 有名的江户口味人形烧 pastry from edo age
heart_less_man: 大概买了也舍不得吃 beautiful sticky riceballs
heart_less_man: 被发现了 girls making deserts