ravingsockmonkey: John, darkly against a fake sky
ravingsockmonkey: I've got the power
ravingsockmonkey: Blatant disregard
ravingsockmonkey: He never expected me
ravingsockmonkey: John the Bunny
ravingsockmonkey: More rust
ravingsockmonkey: You can't hide
ravingsockmonkey: World Leader Pretend
ravingsockmonkey: After the race...
ravingsockmonkey: Underwhelming sky
ravingsockmonkey: Winter's despair
ravingsockmonkey: Man's impact on nature
ravingsockmonkey: The un-tree
ravingsockmonkey: Winter Self-Portrait
ravingsockmonkey: Wintermute
ravingsockmonkey: Man vs Wild
ravingsockmonkey: Love in a dumpster
ravingsockmonkey: All is calm...
ravingsockmonkey: Coffee and Water Please
ravingsockmonkey: Ooops & the skater
ravingsockmonkey: I blow at pinholes
ravingsockmonkey: What makes it move
ravingsockmonkey: Soft glow around harsh metal
ravingsockmonkey: The Hoosier Line