Gene Hunt:
060/366: Two houses and a tower block
Gene Hunt:
Royal Oak Road, Baguley
Gene Hunt:
Volvo FL6 Cherry Picker
Gene Hunt:
Gateway House, Manchester Piccadilly
Gene Hunt:
111 Piccadilly, Manchester
Gene Hunt:
2002 Commonweatlh Games
Gene Hunt: Manchester
Gene Hunt:
Arndale Tower, Manchester
Gene Hunt:
Piccadilly-bound tram
Gene Hunt:
By Caprice
Gene Hunt:
Overhead power lines
Gene Hunt:
Nearly a full moon
Gene Hunt:
Nice view of Baguley
Gene Hunt:
23 Southmoor, Baguley (1/2)
Gene Hunt:
Mid-Cheshire Line, Baguley
Gene Hunt:
23 Southmoor, Baguley (2/2)
Gene Hunt:
Brookcot Road, Baguley
Gene Hunt:
Royal Oak Road, Baguley (1/2)
Gene Hunt:
Baguley & Royal Oak Boxing Club, Baguley
Gene Hunt:
Royal Oak Road, Baguley (2/2)
Gene Hunt:
Westage Gardens, Baguley
Gene Hunt:
Wellfield Road, Baguley
Gene Hunt:
Pentwyn Grove, Baguley
Gene Hunt:
Hall Lane, Baguley
Gene Hunt:
Mid-Cheshire Line, Baguley
Gene Hunt:
Water fountain, Piccadilly Gardens
Gene Hunt:
Mulberry poster
Gene Hunt:
Big Fresh Tasty
Gene Hunt:
B Lounge, Manchester