Gene Hunt: Me with a proper police car (Day 286 of 365)
Gene Hunt: At the Font Bar
Gene Hunt: Canada House, Manchester
Gene Hunt: Traditional British pay-phone
Gene Hunt: HDR shot of the Capri
Gene Hunt: Manchester's iconic paper
Gene Hunt: All at The Font
Gene Hunt: "The things I do for publicity"
Gene Hunt: Font
Gene Hunt: "Love will win"
Gene Hunt: More graffiti art
Gene Hunt: The crew on New Wakefield Street
Gene Hunt: Old Access sign
Gene Hunt: Oh my, what a view!
Gene Hunt: Flyers or flyposting?
Gene Hunt: The Palace Theatre, Manchester
Gene Hunt: Rochdale Canal, Manchester
Gene Hunt: Reflections in the mirror!
Gene Hunt: "Take the National Express"
Gene Hunt: Canada House, Manchester
Gene Hunt: A reflection of yours truly!
Gene Hunt: New-look Fiesta
Gene Hunt: Bighorn SUV
Gene Hunt: Registered in Manchester
Gene Hunt: Peveril of the Peak, Manchester
Gene Hunt: Anti-climb paint
Gene Hunt: Rochdale Canal, Manchester
Gene Hunt: From the South to the North
Gene Hunt: Bridgewater Hall, Manchester
Gene Hunt: Flower show billboard