Gene Hunt: Rhodes Street, Park Hill (Day 202 of 365)
Gene Hunt: Scunthorpe-bound Class 142
Gene Hunt: A proper vintage train from a bygone era
Gene Hunt: Nice view of Sheffield
Gene Hunt: Nuala and Andrew
Gene Hunt: Ladies
Gene Hunt: Sheaf Square, Sheffield
Gene Hunt: Entrance to Sheffield Station
Gene Hunt: Nice view of Sheffield
Gene Hunt: Sheffield's water fountain
Gene Hunt: A steam engine from a bygone era
Gene Hunt: Another shot of the steam engine
Gene Hunt: Sheaf Street, Sheffield
Gene Hunt: South Yorkshire's Sprinter
Gene Hunt: Sheaf Square, Sheffield
Gene Hunt: Sex, Docs & Rock 'n' Roll(?)
Gene Hunt: Sheffield's TX1
Gene Hunt: Another Manchester-registered taxi
Gene Hunt: Viraaj Taxi
Gene Hunt: Cross Turner Street, Sheffield
Gene Hunt: A bridge
Gene Hunt: Lonely Walk
Gene Hunt: ACAB
Gene Hunt: Message of the day....
Gene Hunt: Lovely graffiti
Gene Hunt: "Fne For Sex"
Gene Hunt: Message of the day....
Gene Hunt: How low can one go?
Gene Hunt: Graffiti-clad steps
Gene Hunt: Sheffield's Supertram