Gene Hunt: The Waterloo Road school (Day 174 of 365)
Gene Hunt: Theives Beware
Gene Hunt: Scout Moor from Kirkholt
Gene Hunt: Balderstone Road, Kirkholt
Gene Hunt: Hill Top Primary School, Kirkholt
Gene Hunt: Friars Crescent, Kirkholt
Gene Hunt: Houses on top
Gene Hunt: Kildare Crescent, Kirkholt
Gene Hunt: Oldham Road, Balderstone (1/2)
Gene Hunt: Charity shop on Oldham Road
Gene Hunt: Oldham Road, Balderstone (2/2)
Gene Hunt: Oldham Road, Stoneyfield
Gene Hunt: The former Waterloo Road school
Gene Hunt: Friars Crescent, Kirkholt
Gene Hunt: Everest Street, Kirkholt
Gene Hunt: Gerrard Street, Kirkholt
Gene Hunt: Row of houses
Gene Hunt: Perth Road, Kirkholt
Gene Hunt: Caption welcomed
Gene Hunt: Gilbrook Way, Kirkholt
Gene Hunt: Oldham Road, Kirkholt (1/2)
Gene Hunt: Oldham Road, Kirkholt (2/2)
Gene Hunt: 33680 - SN12AFE