Gene Hunt: What the Gene Genie got for Crimbo
Gene Hunt: Choccy pennies
Gene Hunt: Two DVD's
Gene Hunt: Fit birds on a 2008 callendar
Gene Hunt: Industry - Original Gangster
Gene Hunt: Look...More choccies!
Gene Hunt: My latest toy!
Gene Hunt: Some more Crimbo pressies
Gene Hunt: One of my Xmas pressies
Gene Hunt: What Santa got me for Crimbo!
Gene Hunt: What Santa got me for Crimbo! (Clearer pic)
Gene Hunt: Another game I got for Crimbo
Gene Hunt: My 2011 Calendar
Gene Hunt: A Mikey Crimbo Tradition
Gene Hunt: A door taken with my new toy!
Gene Hunt: My Crimbo Pressie! (Day 69 of 365)
Gene Hunt: Some choccy bars! (Day 71 of 365)
Gene Hunt: An almost change in Xmas pressie tradition
Gene Hunt: Two DVD's to keep me entertained
Gene Hunt: Some toiletries
Gene Hunt: Battery fully charged
Gene Hunt: My 2012 Calendar
Gene Hunt: The final pic of 2011!
Gene Hunt: 361/366: A couple of my Xmas pressies!
Gene Hunt: "She's giving me the right 'ump!"