Gene Hunt: Me drinking a pint of Stella
Gene Hunt: Some of the crew
Gene Hunt: Life on Mars crew
Gene Hunt: City Tower
Gene Hunt: Me trying to take a pic of myself
Gene Hunt: Nick
Gene Hunt: Cocktail Menu
Gene Hunt: Dream car
Gene Hunt: Graffitti on the wall
Gene Hunt: Tib Street, Manchester
Gene Hunt: What the sticker reads
Gene Hunt: Some of the crew
Gene Hunt: Some old warehouse :-D
Gene Hunt: Great Ancoats Street
Gene Hunt: Mayne bus
Gene Hunt: CIS Tower
Gene Hunt: Gunchester
Gene Hunt: Henry Street, Ancoats
Gene Hunt: Smith's Arms
Gene Hunt: Murray Street, Ancoats
Gene Hunt: (A macro version of) Murray Street, Ancoats
Gene Hunt: A typical East of Manchester view
Gene Hunt: No parking - 24 hour access required.
Gene Hunt: Wot the 'eck is this?
Gene Hunt: Jactin House
Gene Hunt: No Smoking....
Gene Hunt: Murray Street, Ancoats
Gene Hunt: Very nice
Gene Hunt: Salsa
Gene Hunt: City Tower