Gene Hunt: Salford tower blocks
Gene Hunt: Beetham Tower from Salford
Gene Hunt: Another view of the Beetham Tower
Gene Hunt: Beautiful scenery
Gene Hunt: Salford Shopping City
Gene Hunt: Two more lovely tower blocks
Gene Hunt: Beetham Tower from outisde Salford Precinct
Gene Hunt: Premier Travel Inn
Gene Hunt: Pendleton
Gene Hunt: Beetham Tower from Pendleton
Gene Hunt: A really nice view
Gene Hunt: Salford Shopping City
Gene Hunt: Another nice view...
Gene Hunt: Building site
Gene Hunt: Mulberry Court
Gene Hunt: Heaven is a place in....
Gene Hunt: A couple of tower blocks
Gene Hunt: Salford University
Gene Hunt: Footbridge
Gene Hunt: A view of Salford
Gene Hunt: Broad Street, Salford
Gene Hunt: Broad Street, Salford
Gene Hunt: Two nice tower blocks
Gene Hunt: Premier Travel Inn
Gene Hunt: Shilhouette of the former Boddingtons building
Gene Hunt: Salford from Trinity Way
Gene Hunt: Salford Bridge
Gene Hunt: Welcome. You are now in Neil101's territory
Gene Hunt: Premier Travel Inn
Gene Hunt: Manchester Cathedral (Historic building) and Arndale Tower (Eyesore to many)