Gene Hunt: The Fast And The Furious Ulitmate Collection
Gene Hunt: The Warriors (1979)
Gene Hunt: Ali G Indahouse (2002)
Gene Hunt: Miami Vice (2006)
Gene Hunt: Life on Mars - The Complete First Series
Gene Hunt: More stuff
Gene Hunt: Three DVD's for £15.
Gene Hunt: Ford Cortina, DCI Gene Hunt and Sam Tyler
Gene Hunt: Two quality TV shows of all time!
Gene Hunt: For those wondering why i've not been on Flickr lately
Gene Hunt: How I spend most weekends
Gene Hunt: Two DVD's
Gene Hunt: What they don't show on the telly anymore
Gene Hunt: Two more DVDs
Gene Hunt: My birthday pressie comes early!
Gene Hunt: Manchester's answer to The Krays on DVD(?) (Day 94 of 365)
Gene Hunt: Four DVD's of proper TV shows! (Day 114 of 365)
Gene Hunt: Series 3 of Ashes to Ashes DVD (Day 216 of 365)
Gene Hunt: Two DVD's to keep me entertained