CorbeauDeNuit: Wanda D., Victor "Dinosaur Lords" Milan (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Me in a crowd (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Al K., Dante S., Harriet E. (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Kennard W. (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Kennard & The Joker (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Overview of the "Main Lab" (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: And the night was still young... (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Main door skull (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Skull with flash (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Mike McM heads out to the slab for a closer look (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Awaiting the Creature... (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Family portrait by eerie light... Uhm, kinda unnerving.... (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Family portrait by dramatic light... Nope, no less unnerving. ;-) (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Birthday goodies in the gloom (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: The Mad Doctor's desk (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Screaming Muerto (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Not as scary in the light... (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Dawn B. & me (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: The Study coffee table... (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Another view of the desk (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Michelle F. briefly trades Braaaiiinnsss! for a soda. (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Gru sans minions (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: The crowd has thinned, but the Orbs are starting to gather... (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Dawn B., Steve K. (taken by me with Steve's camera)
CorbeauDeNuit: The Intrepid Explorer prepares for his next big adventure through Time and Space... (KK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Cool "ghost" plasma effect with the ambient light (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Plasma Ball wall decor came dressed as a Spirit Orb for Halloween... (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: The Force United (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Craig C. as Svengoolie (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Pizza Rat!!! (Google it if you don't get it--it's adorable!) (SK)