Ruth Rauff: Coastal Refuge in spring
Ruth Rauff: Spring garden
Ruth Rauff: Down and dirty
Ruth Rauff: Sandhill Crane
Ruth Rauff: Lesser Yellowlegs
Ruth Rauff: Least Sandpiper
Ruth Rauff: Geocachin'
Ruth Rauff: The king of crabs
Ruth Rauff: Resurrection Trail
Ruth Rauff: Resurrection Trail
Ruth Rauff: Juneau Lake paddle
Ruth Rauff: Demi on flying bridge
Ruth Rauff: Full-air Humpback
Ruth Rauff: Emmy vs. Sea lion
Ruth Rauff: Exit Glacier overlook
Ruth Rauff: Exit Glacier
Ruth Rauff: Arctic Fox
Ruth Rauff: Close enough
Ruth Rauff: Fresh from the water
Ruth Rauff: Fur Seals at the harem
Ruth Rauff: Towards Otter Island
Ruth Rauff: Least Auklet battle cry
Ruth Rauff: Thick-billed Murre
Ruth Rauff: Parakeet Auklet
Ruth Rauff: Horned Puffin
Ruth Rauff: Collateral damage
Ruth Rauff: Rock Sandpipers
Ruth Rauff: St. Paul radar
Ruth Rauff: Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch