Axel Hildebrandt: Common Eider with Crab
scott5024: Winter fog
scott5024: Down the trail
Matt Buckingham: A Beast in the Bluestem
Axel Hildebrandt: Green-winged Teal
scott5024: In the Reeds
gerstat: Face to face
Axel Hildebrandt: Belted Kingfisher
Eric Gofreed: Moss and Majesty: Magpie Tanager
dankirk22: White breasted nuthatch. Trying out the new R1, performed nearly flawlessly. Shot with rf600 f/4 and a 2X teleconverter at 10,000 ISO in shade with -3 fill flash. Noise was hardly discernible Golden-fronted Woodpecker
scott5024: In the Eyes
JEO126: Common eider drake
Sun~Lover: Do You Think I Can Compete
scott5024: Scent trail
scott5024: Kingfisher
HurstImages: _DSC1813-NEF_DxO_White-tailed Deer Aplomado Falcon - South TX
dankirk22: Eastern towhee
scott5024: Dirty face
cre8foru2009: Timber Rattlesnake in situ, inside a stump hole after a rain. This was the 3rd Timber of the day and 19 for the year.
cre8foru2009: Timber Rattlesnake 19
scott5024: Angry Bird
scott5024: greeting the day Keel-billed Toucan Crimson-collored Tanager Polar Bear sub-adult