doom-pony: The first thing I hung up. The end of the hallway by the front door
doom-pony: Lounge. Makes me cold just looking at it.
doom-pony: My bedroom.
doom-pony: Ugly blue carpet runners...
doom-pony: Another corner of my bedroom.
doom-pony: Empty spare room...
doom-pony: Office/spare room
doom-pony: Hallway looking down to my room from the backdoor
doom-pony: Kitchen. The colour? Cactus. I know...
doom-pony: Dining room
doom-pony: Kitchen from the dining room. Look! Toilet!
doom-pony: You wouldn't know it from this photo, but this room is extremely well lit.
doom-pony: The carpet was down and things were moved in! First song - track 1, side 1.. Brain of J
doom-pony: Dining room
doom-pony: I rolled around in this room for a while on the carpet. Wouldn't you?
doom-pony: Looks sooooo much better without the wooden floors exposed. In my opinion. It's not a popular opinion.
doom-pony: Main bedroom
doom-pony: Front door.
doom-pony: Hopefully someone will find this room appealing enough to rent it...
doom-pony: French doors in the office
doom-pony: The ponga tree
doom-pony: It hasn't been sunny enough to really brave sitting out on the deck yet...
doom-pony: omg squeeeeee
doom-pony: The laundry/toilet sans any whiteware. Toilet seat has been replaced. I'm sure you were concerned.
doom-pony: My purple bathroom. It is purple. PURPLE.
doom-pony: Gnorman the Gnome and his new digs.
doom-pony: Progress on the bedroom. We have furniture. And lots of stuff.
doom-pony: My mannequin has been rolled out too.
doom-pony: Ditto Chan and the boys.
doom-pony: Cat Power smoking - from the doorway to my room looking into the lounge