Rowland Shaw: An attempt at food photography
Rowland Shaw: Spaghetti con porri e pancetta
Rowland Shaw: Normal For Suffolk
Rowland Shaw: Answer
Rowland Shaw: Smarties
Rowland Shaw: Dinner
Rowland Shaw: Too early?
Rowland Shaw: Gooey Chocolate & Cream Cheese Cupcake
Rowland Shaw: Gooey Chocolate & Cream Cheese Cupcake
Rowland Shaw: Not Two Chilli Outside
Rowland Shaw: Here Lie Dragon
Rowland Shaw: A Passion For Photography
Rowland Shaw: Lemony
Rowland Shaw: Jam Doughnut Muffins
Rowland Shaw: Jam Doughnut Muffins
Rowland Shaw: Sunday Lunch
Rowland Shaw: BBQ and a Pint.
Rowland Shaw: Banana & Pecan Muffins
Rowland Shaw: Cup Cakes
Rowland Shaw: Help For Heroes
Rowland Shaw: Strawberries
Rowland Shaw: Pan Fried Cod with Pea & Panchetta Sauce
Rowland Shaw: Guess what we had for dinner...
Rowland Shaw: Steaming pan of...
Rowland Shaw: Dinner