RaSchi: Nightly view of Mount Rushmore National Monument
RaSchi: Nightly view of Mount Rushmore National Monument
RaSchi: Nightly view of Mount Rushmore National Monument
RaSchi: Nightly view of Mount Rushmore National Monument
RaSchi: George Washington from beneath
RaSchi: George Washington from beneath
RaSchi: George Washington through a crack in the rock
RaSchi: Abraham Lincoln from beneath
RaSchi: Washington & Lincoln
RaSchi: Info borad on President Abraham Lincoln
RaSchi: Abraham Lincoln from beneath
RaSchi: George Washington from beneath
RaSchi: Info board on President George Washington
RaSchi: All four heads from beneath
RaSchi: Thomas Jefferson from beneath
RaSchi: Theodore Roosevelt from beneath
RaSchi: All four heads from beneath
RaSchi: Abraham Lincoln from beneath
RaSchi: George Washington from beneath
RaSchi: Thomas Jefferson from beneath
RaSchi: Theodore Roosevelt from beneath
RaSchi: Thomas Jefferson from beneath
RaSchi: Abraham Lincoln from beneath
RaSchi: Theodore Roosevelt from beneath
RaSchi: Info board on Thomas Jefferson
RaSchi: George Washington from beneath
RaSchi: Theodore Roosevelt from beneath
RaSchi: All four heads from beneath
RaSchi: Info board Theodore Roosevelt
RaSchi: All four heads from beneath