sea level to high desert:
2007 Ford Escape Hybrid / mi coche gasolina-electrica
sea level to high desert:
sacrificed for the common good? / nuestro coche bonito no más...
sea level to high desert:
upscale home / casa muy hermosa
sea level to high desert:
bug or mouse? / VW que parece cómo raton
sea level to high desert:
balloon passing thru our neighborhood, 5 of 5 / globo aerostático en mi vecindario
sea level to high desert:
my favorite city, 1983
sea level to high desert:
moto americano
sea level to high desert:
"cash for clunkers" / camionetas en la basura
sea level to high desert:
"cash for clunkers" / camionetas en la basura
sea level to high desert:
¡enfoque! / Focus
sea level to high desert:
white on black