raptoralex: ACES 2012 NOLA
raptoralex: Looking down
raptoralex: Introductory session
raptoralex: ACES 2012
raptoralex: Ballroom lighting
raptoralex: Even Porn Needs a Style
raptoralex: "Even Porn Needs a Style"
raptoralex: John McIntyre
raptoralex: "Sexiest man alive!"
raptoralex: The AP's table
raptoralex: Gumbo
raptoralex: ACES 2012
raptoralex: "Dealing With (Non)Writers"
raptoralex: "Dealing With (Non)Writers" audience
raptoralex: Introducing AP style and Chicago Manual speakers
raptoralex: Packed house for AP/CMOS
raptoralex: What's new in 2012?
raptoralex: Q and A
raptoralex: "Editing at a Hub"
raptoralex: "B.S. Detection for Digital Content"
raptoralex: Full house for "B.S."
raptoralex: Craig Silverman
raptoralex: "How Do I Get There? Copy Editing Beyond the Newsroom"
raptoralex: Regina McDowell
raptoralex: Audience
raptoralex: Merrill Perlman
raptoralex: Closing session
raptoralex: American Cop Editor Society
raptoralex: Bill Walsh signs Tim's books