Raptor4007: Winding Up
Raptor4007: Great Flight
Raptor4007: End of the Flight
Raptor4007: Maintenance
Raptor4007: Discus Launch Technique
Raptor4007: Discus Launch Technique
Raptor4007: Nature's Glider vs Man-Made
Raptor4007: Snipe in Motion
Raptor4007: Flyers Returning
Raptor4007: Debrief
Raptor4007: Taking a Break
Raptor4007: Ready to Fly Again
Raptor4007: Walking In
Raptor4007: Discus Launch!
Raptor4007: Leaning In
Raptor4007: Discus Technique
Raptor4007: Great Technique
Raptor4007: Launch!
Raptor4007: Ready to Fly
Raptor4007: Maximum Effort
Raptor4007: Mid Swing
Raptor4007: Come to Papa
Raptor4007: Headed for the Sky
Raptor4007: Don with his Snipe
Raptor4007: Discus Launched Gliders 2-8-20