Raphs: Railing
Raphs: Neither barren nor austere
Raphs: Respect
Raphs: Is this the end of the beginning
Raphs: It has to start somewhere
Raphs: Not so Flatiron
Raphs: It's not a game
Raphs: Clear enough
Raphs: Thus far and further
Raphs: Vestlandet
Raphs: Not barren
Raphs: Ripples through time
Raphs: Let it go?
Raphs: You can't stay calm
Raphs: Even thinking about it
Raphs: It's been a long fight
Raphs: This is all wrong.
Raphs: It gives
Raphs: It is leaving traces
Raphs: It's creeping up
Raphs: That you had back then
Raphs: Privacy
Raphs: Slick
Raphs: I can only repeat myself