raphaelmazor: A cozy room at the Timberline Lodge
raphaelmazor: Perusing the art at Timberline Lodge
raphaelmazor: Ribes with large flower
raphaelmazor: Trio of Trillium
raphaelmazor: Mirror Lake Trailhead
raphaelmazor: Large woody debris
raphaelmazor: Checkin' his pack
raphaelmazor: Trillium ovatum
raphaelmazor: Viola glabella
raphaelmazor: Enjoying the hike
raphaelmazor: Brad crossing the creek
raphaelmazor: Colorful leaf buds
raphaelmazor: Ribes with small flowers
raphaelmazor: Brad on the snow
raphaelmazor: Enterring the Salmon-Huckleberry Wilderness
raphaelmazor: Salmon-Huckleberry Wilderness sign
raphaelmazor: Oregon boxwood, Paxistima myrsinites
raphaelmazor: Stout little Trillium
raphaelmazor: Enjoying the view
raphaelmazor: Brad and Mount Hood
raphaelmazor: Rafi and Mount Hood
raphaelmazor: Scenic view from slopes of Tom Dick and Harry Mountain
raphaelmazor: Outtafocus selfie
raphaelmazor: Brad on the swampy boardwalk
raphaelmazor: Mirror Lake and Mount Hood
raphaelmazor: Skunkweed in the snow
raphaelmazor: Skunkweed flowers
raphaelmazor: Gushing Rivulet
raphaelmazor: Viola glabella near mirror lake
raphaelmazor: Trillium with bugs